Q1: Does this card's "Takuya Kanbara: Cost 2" digivolution requirement mean that Takuya Kanbara is treated as a Digimon when it digivolves?
No, Takuya Kanbara digivolves as a Tamer.
Q2: If I use this card's "Takuya Kanbara: Cost 2" digivolution requirement to digivolve, do "when a Digimon digivolves" effects trigger?
No, they don’t trigger. "When a Digimon digivolves" effects don't trigger when a Tamer digivolves.
Q3: If I use this card's "Takuya Kanbara: Cost 2" digivolution requirement to digivolve, do "when a Digimon would digivolve" effects trigger?
No, they don’t trigger. "When a Digimon digivolves" effects don't trigger when a Tamer digivolves.
Q4: My opponent activates EX3-053 Metallicdramon's On Play effect. Can I digivolve an unsuspended Takuya Kanbara using this card's "Takuya Kanbara: Cost 2" digivolution requirement in the next turn?
Yes, you can. Because you're digivolving from a Tamer, it isn't considered an unsuspended Digimon.
Q5: Can I activate P-103 Offense Training's Delay effect and digivolve using this card's "Takuya Kanbara: Cost 2" digivolution requirement to digivolve?
No, you can't. P-103 Offense Training's Delay effect digivolves 1 Digimon. It doesn't digivolve Tamers.
Q6: When I use this card's When Attacking effect to digivolve into a Digimon card with the Hybrid trait in the hand, can it digivolve regardless of its digivolution requirements?
No, this card's When Attacking effect does not allow ignoring digivolution requirements, so you can only digivolve into a card that meets the digivolution requirements.
Q7: When this card attacks, does its Raid or When Attacking effect activate first?
They trigger simultaneously, so the turn player chooses the effect to activate first. However, if you activate the When Attacking effect first and digivolve, Raid can no longer be activated.
Lv.4 BurningGreymon BT17-012 C Hybrid | Variable | Dark Dragon [Digivolve] [Takuya Kanbara]: Cost 2/[Agunimon]: Cost 1 This card may digivolve from the hand onto one of your red Tamers as if that card is a level 3 red Digimon. <Raid> [When Attacking] This Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Hybrid] trait in the hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 1. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Lv.4 BurningGreymon BT17-012 C Hybrid | Variable | Dark Dragon [Digivolve] [Takuya Kanbara]: Cost 2/[Agunimon]: Cost 1 This card may digivolve from the hand onto one of your red Tamers as if that card is a level 3 red Digimon. <Raid> [When Attacking] This Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Hybrid] trait in the hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 1. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Lv.4 BurningGreymon BT17-012 C Hybrid | Variable | Dark Dragon [Digivolve] [Takuya Kanbara]: Cost 2/[Agunimon]: Cost 1 You may digivolve this card from your hand onto one of your {{Colour|red}} Tamers as if that card is a level 3 {{Colour|red}} Digimon. <Raid> [When Attacking] This Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Hybrid] trait in the hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 1. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Lv.4 ヴリトラモン BT17-012 C ハイブリッド体 | ヴァリアブル種 | 魔竜型 「神原拓也」:コスト2/「アグニモン」:コスト1 手札のこのカードは、赤の自分のテイマーを赤のLv.3のデジモンとして扱い進化できる。 ≪突進≫ 【アタック時】このデジモンを手札の特徴に「ハイブリッド体」を持つデジモンカードに支払う進化コスト-1で進化できる。 --- Inherited: 【自分のターン】このデジモンをDP+2000。