P-161 Bishop Device
Bishop Device
Use: 3
While you don't have Bishop Device, you may ignore this card's color requirements.
When an effect trashes this card in your battle area, When this card is trashed from the battle area, until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't Suspend.
Main Until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't suspend. Then, place this card in the battle area.
Security Return 1 of your opponent's level 5 or lower Digimon to the bottom of the deck. Then, add this card to the hand.
Blue Option
Official English Card
Bishop Device      P-161  P

While you don't have [Bishop Device] in the battle area, you may ignore this card's color requirements.
When this card is trashed from the battle area, until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't suspend.
[Main] Until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't suspend. Then, place this card in the battle area.

[Security] Return 1 of your opponent's level 5 or lower Digimon to the bottom of the deck. Then, add this card to the hand.
Official English (Asia) Card
Bishop Device      P-161  P

While you don't have [Bishop Device] in the battle area, you may ignore this card's color requirements.
When this card is trashed from the battle area, until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't suspend.
[Main] Until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't suspend. Then, place this card in the battle area.

[Security] Return 1 of your opponent's level 5 or lower Digimon to the bottom of the deck. Then, add this card to the hand.
Bishop Device      P-161  P

While you don't have [Bishop Device], you may ignore this card's color requirements.
When an effect trashes this card in your battle area, When this card is trashed from the battle area, until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't Suspend.
[Main] Until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon or Tamers can't suspend. Then, place this card in the battle area.

Official Japanese Card
ビショップ• デヴァイス      P-161  P

自分の「ビショップ• デヴァイス」がバトルエリアにない間、このカードは色条件を無視できる。
