Lv.4 Flamedramon P-137 P Armor Form | Free | Dragonkin [Digivolve] [Veemon]: Cost 2 <Armor Purge> <Raid> [Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When this Digimon's attack target is switched, your opponent adds the top card of their security stack to the hand.
Lv.4 Flamedramon P-137 P Armor Form | Free | Dragonkin [Digivolve] [Veemon]: Cost 2 <Armor Purge> <Raid> [Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When this Digimon's attack target is switched, your opponent adds the top card of their security stack to the hand.
Lv.4 Flamedramon P-137 P Armor Form | Free | Dragonkin [Digivolve] [Veemon]: Cost 2 <Armor Purge> <Raid> [Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When this Digimon's attack target is switched, your opponent adds the top card of their security stack to the hand.
Lv.4 フレイドラモン P-137 P アーマー体 | フリー | 竜人型 「ブイモン」:コスト2 ≪アーマー解除≫≪突進≫ 【自分のターン】[ターンに1回]このデジモンのアタックの対象が変更されたとき、相手は相手のセキュリティを上から1枚手札に加える。