Q1: Does "yellow or black card with 2 or more colors" in this card's On Play effect mean that I can add a yellow/black or black/yellow card to my hand?
Yes, you can.
Lv.3 Patamon P-122 P Rookie | Data | Mammal [On Play] Search your security stack. You may add 1 yellow or black card with 2 or more colors among it to the hand. If you added cards, <Recovery +1 (Deck)>. Then, shuffle your security stack. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] All of your opponent's Security Digimon get -2000 DP.
Lv.3 Patamon P-122 P Rookie | Data | Mammal [On Play] Search your security stack. You may add 1 yellow or black card with 2 or more colors among it to the hand. If you added cards, <Recovery +1 (Deck)>. Then, shuffle your security stack. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] All of your opponent's Security Digimon get -2000 DP.
Lv.3 Patamon P-122 P Rookie | Data | Mammal [On Play] Search your security stack. You may add 1 {{Colour|yellow}} or {{Colour|black}} card with 2 or more colors among them to the hand. If you added cards, <Recovery +1 (Deck)>. Then, shuffle your security stack. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] All of your opponent's security Digimon get -2000 DP.
Lv.3 パタモン P-122 P 成長期 | データ種 | 哺乳類型 【登場時】自分のセキュリティを全て確認する。その中の黄/黒を含む2色以上のカード1枚を手札に加えられる。加えたなら、≪リカバリー+1《デッキ》≫。その後、自分のセキュリティをシャッフルする。 --- Inherited: 【自分のターン】相手のセキュリティデジモン全てをDP-2000。