Q1: If the cards I reveal from my deck for this card's effect include only either a red or yellow card with 2 or more colors or a Tamer card with {{EffectLinkArchetype|Yolei Inoue}}, can I only add 1 card to my hand?
Yes, you can. In such cases, you add as many cards to your hand as possible.
Q2: Does "red or yellow card with 2 or more colors" in this card's On Play effect mean that I can add a red/yellow or yellow/red card to my hand?
Yes, you can.
Q3: If the cards I reveal from my deck for this card's effect include both a red or yellow card with 2 or more colors and a Tamer card with {{EffectLinkArchetype|Yolei Inoue}}, can I choose to only add one of them to my hand, and place the remaining cards at the bottom of my deck?
No. If you have cards that are targets of this effect, you must add as many cards to your hand as possible.
Lv.3 Hawkmon P-119 P Rookie | Free | Avian [On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 red or yellow card with 2 or more colors and 1 Tamer card with [Yolei Inoue] in its name among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. --- Inherited: [End of Your Turn] This Digimon and another of your Digimon may DNA digivolve into a Digimon card in your hand.
Lv.3 Hawkmon P-119 P Rookie | Free | Avian [On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 red or yellow card with 2 or more colors and 1 Tamer card with [Yolei Inoue] in its name among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. --- Inherited: [End of Your Turn] This Digimon and another of your Digimon may DNA digivolve into a Digimon card in your hand.
Lv.3 Hawkmon P-119 P Rookie | Free | Avian [On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 {{Colour|red}} or {{Colour|yellow}} card with 2 or more colors and 1 Tamer card with [Yolei Inoue] in its name among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. --- Inherited: [End of Your Turn] This Digimon and another of your Digimon may DNA digivolve into a Digimon card in the hand.
Lv.3 ホークモン P-119 P 成長期 | フリー | 鳥型 【登場時】自分のデッキの上から3枚オープンする。その中の赤/黄を含む2色以上のカードと名称に「井ノ上京」を含むテイマーカード1枚ずつを手札に加える。残りはデッキの下に戻す。 --- Inherited: 【自分のターン終了時】このデジモンと他の自分のデジモンで、手札のデジモンカードにジョグレス進化できる。