DIGIMON CON 2023 P-116 P While you have [Agumon], [Pulsemon], and [Gammamon], this card costs 0. [Main] Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add all Tamer cards with a play cost of 3 or less among them to the hand. Return the rest to the top of the deck. --- [Security] Activate this card's [Main] effect.
DIGIMON CON 2023 P-116 P While you have [Agumon], [Pulsemon], and [Gammamon], this card costs 0. [Main] Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add all Tamer cards with a play cost of 3 or less among them to the hand. Return the rest to the top of the deck. --- [Security] Activate this card's [Main] effect.
DIGIMON CON 2023 P-116 P While you have [Agumon], [Pulsemon], [Gammamon] or [conj = and], this card costs 0. [Main] Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add all Tamer cards with a play cost of 3 or less among them to your hand. Return the rest to the top of the deck. ---
DIGIMON CON 2023 P-116 P 「アグモン」と「パルスモン」と「ガンマモン」がいる間、このカードの使用コストを0にする。 【メイン】自分のデッキの上から2枚オープンする。その中の登場コスト3以下のテイマーカード全てを手札に加える。残りはデッキの上に戻す。 --- 【セキュリティ】このカードの【メイン】効果を発揮する。