Lv.4 Saberdramon P-091 P Champion | Vaccine | Giant Bird <Raid> <Retaliation> --- Inherited: [On Deletion] Return 1 red or purple Digimon card from your trash to the hand.
Lv.4 Saberdramon P-091 P Champion | Vaccine | Giant Bird <Raid>(When this Digimon attacks, you may switch the target of attack to 1 of your opponent's unsuspended Digimon with the highest DP.) <Retaliation>(When this Digimon is deleted after losing a battle, delete the Digimon it was battling.) --- Inherited: [On Deletion] Return 1 red or purple Digimon card from your trash to the hand.
Lv.4 Saberdramon P-091 P Champion | Vaccine | Giant Bird <Raid> <Retaliation> --- Inherited: [On Deletion] Return 1 {{Colour|red}} or {{Colour|purple}} Digimon card from your trash to the hand.
Lv.4 セーバードラモン P-091 P 成熟期 | ワクチン種 | 巨鳥型 ≪突進≫(このデジモンがアタックしたとき、アタックの対象を最もDPの高いアクティブ状態の相手のデジモン1体に変更できる) ≪道連れ≫(バトルでこのデジモンだけが消滅したとき、バトルした相手のデジモンを消滅させる) --- Inherited: 【消滅時】自分のトラッシュから、赤か紫のデジモンカード1枚を手札に戻す。