Lv.3 Floramon P-083 P Rookie | Data | Vegetation [On Play] If you have a green Tamer, 1 of your opponent's Digimon can't unsuspend until the end of their turn.
Lv.3 Floramon P-083 P Rookie | Data | Vegetation [On Play] If you have a green Tamer in play, 1 of your opponent's Digimon doesn't unsuspend until the end of their next turn.
Lv.3 Floramon P-083 P Rookie | Data | Vegetation [On Play] If you have a {{Colour|green}} Tamer in play, 1 of your opponent's Digimon can't unsuspend until the end of their turn.
Lv.3 フローラモン P-083 P 成長期 | データ種 | 植物型 【登場時】緑の自分のテイマーがいるとき、次の相手のターン終了まで、相手のデジモン1体はアクティブにならない。