Q1: This card was revealed by a "reveal cards from your deck" effect, then it was trashed. In such cases, does this card's "when this card is trashed from your deck" effect activate?
No, cards revealed from your deck aren't considered to be “trashed from your deck,” so this card’s effect doesn’t activate.
Lv.4 Wizardmon P-077 P Champion | Wizard | Data When this card is trashed from your deck, gain 1 memory. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] You may reveal 1 purple card from your hand and place it on top of your deck.
Lv.4 Wizardmon P-077 P Champion | Wizard | Data When this card is trashed from your deck, gain 1 memory. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] You may reveal 1 purple card from your hand and place it on top of your deck.
Lv.4 Wizardmon P-077 P Champion | Data | Wizard When this card is trashed from your Deck, gain 1 memory. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] You may reveal 1 {{Colour|purple}} card from your hand and place it on top of your deck.
Lv.4 ウィザーモン P-077 P 成熟期 | データ種 | 魔人型 このカードがデッキから破棄されたとき、メモリー+1。 --- Inherited: 【アタック時】自分の手札から、紫のカード1枚をオープンしてデッキの上に戻せる。