Lv.4 Deltamon P-076 P Champion | Composite | Virus [Your Turn] When this Digimon would digivolve into a card with 2 colors or [Composite] in its traits, reduce the digivolution cost by 2. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] For each of this Digimon's colors, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 3000 DP or less.
Lv.4 Deltamon P-076 P Champion | Composite | Virus [Your Turn] When this Digimon would digivolve into a card with 2 colors or [Composite] in its traits, reduce the digivolution cost by 2. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] For each of this Digimon's colors, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 3000 DP or less.
Lv.4 Deltamon P-076 P Champion | Virus | Composite [Your Turn] When this Digimon would digivolve into a card with 2 colors or [Composite] trait, reduce the digivolution cost by 2. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] For each of this Digimon's colors, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 3000 DP or less.
Lv.4 デルタモン P-076 P 成熟期 | ウィルス種 | 合成型 【自分のターン】このデジモンが特徴に「合成型」を持つか、2色のカードに進化するとき、支払う進化コスト-2。 --- Inherited: 【アタック時】このデジモンの色1色ごとに、DP3000以下の相手のデジモン1体を消滅させる。