Lv.5 Okuwamon P-075 P Ultimate | Insectoid | Virus [Your Turn] When this Digimon digivolves into a card with [Insectoid] in its traits, all of your opponent's Digimon gain “[All Turns] When this Digimon is suspended, lose 1 memory.” until the end of your opponent's turn. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] While this Digimon has [Insectoid] in its traits, it gains <Piercing>. (When this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon and survives the battle, it performs any security checks it normally would.)
Lv.5 Okuwamon P-075 P Ultimate | Insectoid | Virus [Your Turn] When this Digimon would digivolve into a card with [Insectoid] in its traits, all of your opponent's Digimon gain "[All Turns] When this Digimon becomes suspended, lose 1 memory." until the end of your opponent's turn. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] While this Digimon has [Insectoid] in its traits, it gains Inherited: . (When this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon and survives the battle, it performs any security checks it normally would.)
Lv.5 Okuwamon P-075 P Ultimate | Virus | Insectoid [Your Turn] When this Digimon would digivolve into a card with the [Insectoid] trait, all of your opponent's Digimon gain "[All Turns] When this Digimon becomes suspended, lose 1 memory." until the end of your opponent's turn. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] While this Digimon has the [Insectoid] trait, it gains <Piercing>.
Lv.5 オオクワモン P-075 P 完全体 | ウィルス種 | 昆虫型 【自分のターン】このデジモンが特徴に「昆虫型」を持つカードに進化するとき、次の相手のターン終了まで、相手のデジモン全てに「【お互いのターン】このデジモンがレストしたとき、メモリー-1。」の効果を与える。 --- Inherited: 【自分のターン】このデジモンが特徴に「昆虫型」を持つ間、このデジモンは≪貫通≫(このデジモンがアタックしたバトルで相手のデジモンだけを消滅させたとき、このデジモンはセキュリティをチェックする)を得る。