Q1: Do I trash 2 cards of the same level as this card for "you may trash 2 cards of the same level" in this Digimon's inherited effect?
No. You trash 2 cards of the same level as each other from among this Digimon's digivolution cards. For example, by trashing 2 level 5 cards in digivolution cards, this Digimon won't be deleted.
Q2: What does this card's (Rule) mean, exactly? (*This card's "The name of this card/Digimon is also treated as WereGarurumon" has been changed to "(Rule) Name: Also treated as WereGarurumon.")
This is a special rule for this card that always treats it as if it also has {{EffectLinkArchetype|WereGarurumon}}.
Lv.5 WereGarurumon: Sagittarius Mode P-073 P Ultimate | Beastkin | Vaccine Treat this card/Digimon as if its name is also [WereGarurumon]. [When Digivolving] If you have a Tamer in play, return 2 of your opponent's level 3 Digimon to their owners' hands. --- Inherited: [All Turns] If this Digimon has [Garurumon] or [Omnimon] in its name and would be deleted in battle, you may trash 2 cards of the same level from this Digimon's digivolution cards to prevent the deletion.
Lv.5 WereGarurumon: Sagittarius Mode P-073 P Ultimate | Beastkin | Vaccine Digivolve: 0 from [WereGarurumon].The name of this card/Digimon is also treated as [WereGarurumon].[When Digivolving] If you have a Tamer in play, return 2 of your opponent's level 3 Digimon to their owners' hands. --- Inherited: [All Turns] When this Digimon has [Garurumon] or [Omnimon] in its name and would be deleted in battle, you may trash 2 cards of the same level in this Digimon's digivolution cards to prevent that deletion.
Lv.5 WereGarurumon: Sagittarius Mode P-073 P Ultimate | Vaccine | Beastkin [Digivolve] [WereGarurumon]: Cost 0 [When Digivolving] If you have a Tamer in play, return 2 of your opponent's level 3 Digimon to their owner's hand. --- Inherited: [All Turns] When this Digimon has [Garurumon] or [Omnimon] in its name and would be deleted in battle, you may trash 2 cards of the same level in this Digimon's digivolution cards to prevent that deletion.
Lv.5 ワーガルルモン:サジタリウスモード P-073 P 完全体 | ワクチン種 | 獣人型 このカード/デジモンの名称は「ワーガルルモン」としても扱う。【進化時】自分のテイマーがいるとき、Lv.3の相手のデジモン2体を手札に戻す。 --- Inherited: 【お互いのターン】名称に「ガルルモン」か「オメガモン」を含むこのデジモンがバトルで消滅するとき、このデジモンの進化元から、Lv.の同じカード2枚を破棄することで、消滅しない。