Lv.3 Jellymon P-061 P Rookie | Mollusk | Data - --- Inherited: [When Attacking] [Once Per Turn] If you have a [Kiyoshiro Higashimitarai] in play, <Draw 1>. (Draw 1 card from your deck.)
Lv.3 Jellymon P-061 P Rookie | Data | Mollusk - --- Inherited: [When Attacking] [Once Per Turn] If you have a [Kiyoshiro Higashimitarai] in play, <Draw 1>. (Draw 1 card from your deck.)
Lv.3 Jellymon P-061 P rookie | Data | Mollusk --- Inherited: [When Attacking] [Once Per Turn] If you have a [Kiyoshiro Higashimitarai] in play, <Draw 1>.
Lv.3 ジェリーモン P-061 P 成長期 | データ種 | 軟体型 - --- Inherited: 【アタック時】[ターンに1回]自分の「東御手洗清司郎」がいるとき、≪1ドロー≫(自分のデッキからカードを1枚引く)。