Q1: Can I use this card if I don't have a Patamon in play?
You can, but you won't be able to place any cards at the bottom of your security stack.
Patamon's Confession P-023 null [Main] If you have [T.K. Takaishi] in play, place 1 of your [Patamon] at the bottom of your security stack face down. Trash that Digimon's digivolution cards. --- [Security] Add this card to your hand.
Patamon's Confession P-023 P [Main] If you have [T.K. Takaishi] in play, place 1 of your [Patamon] at the bottom of your security stack face down. Trash that Digimon's digivolution cards. --- [Security] Add this card to your hand.
Patamon's Confession P-023 P [Main] If you have [T.K. Takaishi] in play, place 1 of your [Patamon] at the bottom of your security stack face down. Trash that Digimon's digivolution cards. ---
パタモンの告白 P-023 P 【メイン】自分の「高石 タケル」がいるとき、自分の「パタモン」1体を自分のセキュリティの下に裏向きで置く。そのデジモンの進化元は破棄する。 --- 【セキュリティ】このカードを手札に加える。