Lv.6 VenomMyotismon P-020 P Mega | Virus | Dark Animal [On Deletion] You may play a purple Digimon Card with a level of 4 or less from your trash without paying its memory cost. Any [On Play] effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate.
Lv.6 VenomMyotismon P-020 P Mega | Virus | Dark Animal [On Deletion] You may play a purple Digimon Card with a level of 4 or less from your trash without paying its memory cost. Any [On Play] effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate.
Lv.6 VenomMyotismon P-020 P Mega | Virus | Dark Animal [On Deletion] You may play a {{Colour|purple}} Digimon Card with a level of 4 or less from your trash without paying its memory cost. Any [On Play] effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate.
Lv.6 ヴェノムヴァンデモン P-020 P 究極体 | ウィルス種 | 魔獣型 【消滅時】自分のトラッシュから、紫のLv.4以下のデジモンカード1枚をコストを支払わずに登場できる。この効果で登場したデジモンの【登場時】効果は発揮しない。