Lv.5 Infermon P-015 P Ultimate | Unknown | Unidentified [On Play] Trigger <De-DigivoLv.e 1> on 1 of your opponent's Digimon. (Trash a card from the top of one of your opponent's Digimon. If it has no digivolution cards, or becomes a level 3 Digimon, you can't trash any more cards.)
Lv.5 Infermon P-015 P Ultimate | Unknown | Unidentified [On Play] Trigger <De-DigivoLv.e 1> on 1 of your opponent's Digimon. (Trash a card from the top of one of your opponent's Digimon. If it has no digivolution cards, or becomes a level 3 Digimon, you can't trash any more cards.)
Lv.5 Infermon P-015 P Ultimate | Unknown | Unidentified [On Play] <De-Digivolve 1> 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
Lv.5 インフェルモン P-015 P 完全体 | 不明 | 種族不明 【登場時】相手のデジモン1体を≪退化1≫(相手のデジモンに重ねられたカードを、上から1枚破棄する。進化元が無くなるか、Lv.3のデジモンになったらそれ以上破棄できない)する。