Q1: Does this card's effect apply if it has Agumon Expert or ToyAgumon as a digivolution card?
No. This card's effect only applies if a card with the exact name Agumon is one of its digivolution cards. Despite Agumon Expert, ToyAgumon, and other Digimon cards having {{EffectLinkArchetype|Agumon|text=in their names}}, the effect doesn't apply if it isn't an exact match.
Lv.4 Greymon P-010 P Champion | Vaccine | Dinosaur [Your Turn] While this Digimon has an [Agumon] digivolution card, it gains <Security Attack +1>. (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card.)
Lv.4 Greymon P-010 P Champion | Vaccine | Dinosaur [Your Turn] While this Digimon has an [Agumon] digivolution card, it gains <Security A. +1>.
Lv.4 グレイモン P-010 P 成熟期 | ワクチン種 | 恐竜型 【自分のターン】このデジモンの進化元に「アグモン」がある間、≪セキュリティアタック+1≫(このデジモンがセキュリティにアタックしたときにチェックする枚数+1)を得る。