Lv.3 Gammamon LM-016 C Rookie | Virus | Ceratopsian [Digivolve] [Gurimon]: Cost 0 [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When an effect deletes one of your other Digimon, this Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with [Gammamon] in its text in your trash without paying the cost. --- Inherited: [On Deletion] You may play 1 [Hiro Amanokawa] from your hand without paying the cost.
Lv.3 Gammamon LM-016 R Rookie | Virus | Ceratopsian [Digivolve] [Gurimon]: Cost 0 [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When an effect deletes one of your other Digimon, this Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with [Gammamon] in its text in your trash without paying the cost. --- Inherited: [On Deletion] You may play 1 [Hiro Amanokawa] from your hand without paying the cost.
Lv.3 Gammamon LM-016 R Rookie | Virus | Ceratopsian [Digivolve] [Gurimon]: Cost 0 [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When an effect deletes one of your other Digimon, this Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with [Gammamon] in its text in your trash without paying the cost. --- Inherited: [On Deletion] You may play 1 [Hiro Amanokawa] from your hand without paying the cost.
Lv.3 ガンマモン LM-016 R 成長期 | ウィルス種 | 角竜型 「グリモン」:コスト0 【お互いのターン】[ターンに1回]他の自分のデジモンが効果で消滅したとき、このデジモンをトラッシュの「ガンマモン」の記述があるデジモンカードにコストを支払わずに進化できる。 --- Inherited: 【消滅時】自分の手札から、「天ノ河宙」1枚をコストを支払わずに登場できる。