Q1: Do I have to activate this card's End of Attack effect?
Yes. If this Digimon is in the battle area at the end of an attack, you must activate the effect.
Lv.4 Publimon LM-007 C Champion | Data | Mutant [Security] At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost. [End of Attack] Place this Digimon on top of your security stack.
Lv.4 Publimon LM-007 C Champion | Data | Mutant [End of Attack] Place this Digimon on top of your security stack. [Security] At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost.
Lv.4 Publimon LM-007 C Champion | Data | Mutant [Security] At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost. [End of Attack] Place this Digimon on top of your security stack.
Lv.4 パブリモン LM-007 C 成熟期 | データ種 | 突然変異型 【セキュリティ】バトル終了時、このカードをコストを支払わずに登場させる。 【アタック終了時】このデジモンを自分のセキュリティの上に置く。