Lv.5 Thetismon LM-004 U Ultimate | Data | Aquabeast [On Play] [When Digivolving] By trashing 2 blue cards in your hand, unsuspend 1 of your Digimon and 1 of your [Kiyoshiro Higashimitarai], and this Digimon gains <Blocker> until the end of your opponent's turn. --- Inherited: [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When a card with [Jellymon] in its text is trashed from your hand, you may unsuspend this Digimon.
Lv.5 Thetismon LM-004 U Ultimate | Data | Aquabeast [On Play] [When Digivolving] By trashing 2 blue cards in your hand, unsuspend 1 of your Digimon and 1 of your [Kiyoshiro Higashimitarai], and this Digimon gains <Blocker> until the end of your opponent's turn. --- Inherited: [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When a card with [Jellymon] in its text is trashed from your hand, you may unsuspend this Digimon.
Lv.5 Thetismon LM-004 U Ultimate | Data | Aquabeast [On Play] [When Digivolving] By trashing 2 {{Colour|blue}} cards in your hand, unsuspend 1 of your Digimon and 1 of your [Kiyoshiro Higashimitarai], and this Digimon gains <Blocker> until the end of your opponent's turn. --- Inherited: [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When a card with [Jellymon] in its text is trashed from your hand, you may unsuspend this Digimon.
Lv.5 テティスモン LM-004 U 完全体 | データ種 | 水棲獣人型 【登場時】【進化時】自分の手札から、青のカード2枚を破棄することで、自分のデジモンと自分の「東御手洗清司郎」1体ずつをアクティブにし、相手のターン終了まで、このデジモンは≪ブロッカー≫を得る。 --- Inherited: 【お互いのターン】[ターンに1回]自分の手札から、「ジェリーモン」の記述があるカードが破棄されたとき、このデジモンをアクティブにできる。