Seventh Jewelrize EX8-072 R Seven Great Demon Lords [Trash] [Your Turn] When any of your Digimon digivolve into [Barbamon (X Antibody)], by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, activate this card's [Main] effects. [Main] If your opponent has 5 or more cards in their hand, they trash 1 card in their hand. Then, delete 1 of your opponent's level 7 or lower Digimon. For every 3 cards in their hand, remove 1 from this effect's level maximum. --- [Security] Activate this card's [Main] effects.
Seventh Jewelrize EX8-072 R Seven Great Demon Lords [Trash] [Your Turn] When any of your Digimon digivolve into [Barbamon (X Antibody)], by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, activate this card's [Main] effects. [Main] If your opponent has 5 or more cards in their hand, they trash 1 card in their hand. Then, delete 1 of your opponent's level 7 or lower Digimon. For every 3 cards in their hand, remove 1 from this effect's level maximum. --- [Security] Activate this card's [Main] effects.
Seventh Jewelrize EX8-072 R Seven Great Demon Lords [Trash] [Your Turn] When any of your Digimon digivolves into [Barbamon (X Antibody)], by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, activate this card's [Main] effects. [Main] If your opponent has 5 or more cards in their hand, they trash 1 card in their hand. Then, delete 1 of your opponent's level 7 or lower Digimon. For every 3 cards in your opponent's hand, remove 1 from this effect level maximum. ---
セブンス• ジュエライズ EX8-072 R 七大魔王 [トラッシュ]【自分のターン】自分のデジモンが「バルバモンX抗体」に進化したとき、このカードをデッキの下に戻すことで、このカードの【メイン】効果を発揮する。 【メイン】相手の手札が5枚以上なら、相手は自身の手札1枚を破棄する。その後、Lv.7以下の相手のデジモン1体を消滅させる。相手の手札3枚ごとに、この効果のLv.上限-1。 --- 【セキュリティ】このカードの【メイン】効果を発揮する。