Lv.3 DemiDevimon EX8-057 R Rookie | Virus | Evil/NSo [Digivolve] Lv.2 w/[NSo] trait: Cost 0 [On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [NSo] trait and 1 card with the [Fallen Angel] trait among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] [Once Per Turn] <Draw 1> and trash 1 card in your hand.
Lv.3 DemiDevimon EX8-057 R Rookie | Virus | Evil/NSo [Digivolve] Lv.2 w/[NSo] trait: Cost 0 [On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [NSo] trait and 1 card with the [Fallen Angel] trait among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] [Once Per Turn] <Draw 1> and trash 1 card in your hand.
Lv.3 DemiDevimon EX8-057 R Rookie | Virus | Evil/NSo [Digivolve] Lv.2 w/[NSo] trait: Cost 0 [On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [NSo] trait and 1 card with the [Fallen Angel] trait among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] [Once Per Turn] <Draw 1> and trash 1 card in your hand.
Lv.3 ピコデビモン EX8-057 R 成長期 | ウィルス種 | 小悪魔型/NSo 特徴に「NSo」を持つLv.2:コスト0 【登場時】自分のデッキの上から3枚オープンする。その中の特徴に「NSo」を持つカード1枚と特徴に「堕天使型」を持つカード1枚を手札に加える。残りはデッキの下に戻す。 --- Inherited: 【アタック時】[ターンに1回]≪1ドロー≫し、自分の手札1枚を破棄する。