Lv.4 Tyrannomon EX8-011 R Champion | Data | Dinosaur/LIBERATOR [Digivolve] Lv.3 w/[Reptile] trait: Cost 2 [Security] At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost. [Start of Your Main Phase] [When Digivolving] This Digimon gets +3000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Lv.4 Tyrannomon EX8-011 R Champion | Data | Dinosaur/LIBERATOR [Digivolve] Lv.3 w/[Reptile] trait: Cost 2 [Security] At the end of the battle, play this card without paying the cost. [Start of Your Main Phase] [When Digivolving] This Digimon gets +3000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Lv.4 Tyrannomon EX8-011 R Champion | Data | Dinosaur/LIBERATOR [Digivolve] Lv.3 w/[Reptile] trait: Cost 2 [Security] At the end of the battle, play this card without paying its memory cost. [Start of Your Main Phase] [When Digivolving] This Digimon gets +3000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Lv.4 ティラノモン EX8-011 R 成熟期 | データ種 | 恐竜型/リベレイター 特徴に「爬虫類型」を持つLv.3:コスト2 【セキュリティ】バトル終了時、このカードをコストを支払わずに登場させる。 【自分のメインフェイズ開始時】【進化時】相手のターン終了まで、このデジモンをDP+3000。 --- Inherited: 【自分のターン】このデジモンをDP+2000。