EX7-072 Seventh Fascination
Seventh Fascination
Use: 7
Trash Your Turn When any of your Digimon digivolve into Lilithmon (X Antibody), by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, activate this card's Main effects.
Main Until the end of opponent's turn, give all of their Digimon "End of Your Turn Delete 1 of your Digimon."
Security Delete 1 of your opponent's unsuspended Digimon.
Purple Option
Seven Great Demon Lords

Q1: Can I use this card's Main effect to give "End of Your Turn Delete 1 of your Digimon" to a Digimon that isn't affected by effects?

You can give that effect to such Digimon, but Digimon that aren't affected by effects won't be affected by it, therefore the gained effect won't trigger.

Q2: After this card's Main effect gives "End of Your Turn Delete 1 of your Digimon" to a Digimon, then that effect deletes a Digimon, does <Partition> on that Digimon trigger?

No, it doesn't trigger. After this card's Main effect gives "End of Your Turn Delete 1 of your Digimon" to a Digimon, then it triggers, that Digimon's player will be the player considered to have triggered/activated that effect, therefore <Partition> won't trigger.

Official English Card
Seventh Fascination      EX7-072  R
Seven Great Demon Lords

[Trash] [Your Turn] When any of your Digimon digivolve into [Lilithmon (X Antibody)], by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, activate this card's [Main] effects.
[Main] Until the end of your opponent's turn, give all of their Digimon "[End of Your Turn] Delete 1 of your Digimon."

[Security] Delete 1 of your opponent's unsuspended Digimon.
Official English (Asia) Card
Seventh Fascination      EX7-072  R
Seven Great Demon Lords

[Trash] [Your Turn] When any of your Digimon digivolve into [Lilithmon (X Antibody)], by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, activate this card's [Main] effects.
[Main] Until the end of your opponent's turn, give all of their Digimon "[End of Your Turn] Delete 1 of your Digimon."

[Security] Delete 1 of your opponent's unsuspended Digimon.
Seventh Fascination      EX7-072  R
Seven Great Demon Lords

[Trash] [Your Turn] When any of your Digimon digivolve into [Lilithmon (X Antibody)], by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, activate this card's [Main] effects.
[Main] Until the end of opponent's turn, give all of their Digimon "[End of Your Turn] Delete 1 of your Digimon."

Official Japanese Card
セブンス• ファシネイト      EX7-072  R

