Q1: I tried to delete 1 of my other Digimon using this card's inherited effect when an opponent's Digimon attacked, but I couldn't delete the other Digimon due to another effect. Can I end that attack at such times?
No, you can't end that attack. If the "by doing X" condition isn't met, the rest of the effect isn't processed. In this case, if you can't delete 1 of your other Digimon, then you can't end the attack.
Q2: What does "end that attack" mean, exactly?
After this effect activates, the current timing makes a transition to the end of attack timing. For example, if this effect activates during the attack declaration timing, it will make a transition to the end of attack timing. A transition to the counter timing or block timing won't occur, and the attack won't succeed.
Q3: Can an "end that attack" effect end an attack by a Digimon that isn't affected by effects?
Yes, you can end such attacks. "End that attack" effects are effects that change the timing, they don't affect an attacking Digimon.
Lv.3 Tsukaimon EX7-052 C Rookie | Virus | Mammal [On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Among them, add 1 card with [Lilithmon] in its text to the hand and trash 1 purple card. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. --- Inherited: [Opponent's Turn] [Once Per Turn] When any of your opponent's Digimon attack, by deleting 1 of your other Digimon, end that attack.
Lv.3 Tsukaimon EX7-052 C Rookie | Virus | Mammal [On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Among them, add 1 card with [Lilithmon] in its text to the hand and trash 1 purple card. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. --- Inherited: [Opponent's Turn] [Once Per Turn] When any of your opponent's Digimon attack, by deleting 1 of your other Digimon, end that attack.
Lv.3 Tsukaimon EX7-052 C Rookie | Virus | Mammal [On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Among them, add 1 card with [Lilithmon] in its text to the hand and trash 1 {{Colour|purple}} card. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. --- Inherited: [Opponent's Turn] [Once Per Turn] When an opponent's Digimon attacks, by deleting 1 of your other Digimon, end the attack.
Lv.3 ツカイモン EX7-052 C 成長期 | ウィルス種 | 哺乳類型 【登場時】自分のデッキの上から3枚オープンする。その中の「リリスモン」の記述があるカード1枚を手札に加え、紫のカード1枚を破棄する。残りはデッキの下に戻す。 --- Inherited: 【相手のターン】[ターンに1回]相手のデジモンがアタックしたとき、他の自分のデジモン1体を消滅させることで、そのアタックを終了する。