Lv.6 Zephagamon EX7-036 SR Mega | Data | Magic Knight/Vortex Warriors/LIBERATOR <Security A. +1><Vortex> (At the end of your turn, this Digimon may attack an opponent's Digimon. With this effect, it can attack the turn it was played.) [When Digivolving] [When Attacking] Suspend 1 Digimon. If this effect suspended your Digimon, return 1 of your opponent's suspended Digimon to the bottom of the deck. (Rule) Trait: Has [Bird Dragon] Type.
Lv.6 Zephagamon EX7-036 SR Mega | Data | Magic Knight/Vortex Warriors/LIBERATOR <Security A. +1><Vortex> (At the end of your turn, this Digimon may attack an opponent's Digimon. With this effect, it can attack the turn it was played.) [When Digivolving] [When Attacking] Suspend 1 Digimon. If this effect suspended your Digimon, return 1 of your opponent's suspended Digimon to the bottom of the deck. (Rule) Trait: Has [Bird Dragon] Type.
Lv.6 Zephagamon EX7-036 SR Mega | Data | Magic Knight/Vortex Warriors/LIBERATOR <Security A. +1> <Vortex> [When Digivolving] [When Attacking] Suspend 1 Digimon. If this effect suspended your Digimon, return 1 of your opponent's suspended Digimon to the bottom of the deck. (Rule) Trait: Has [Bird Dragon] type.
Lv.6 ゼファーガモン EX7-036 SR 究極体 | データ種 | 魔法騎士型/ヴォルテクスウォリアー/リベレイター ≪Sアタック+1≫≪ヴォルテクス≫(自分のターン終了時、このデジモンで相手のデジモンにアタックできる。この効果では、登場したターンでもアタックできる) 【進化時】【アタック時】デジモン1体をレストさせる。この効果で自分のデジモンがレストしたなら、レスト状態の相手のデジモン1体をデッキの下に戻す。 〈ルール〉特徴:タイプ「鳥竜型」を持つ。