Lv.6 BlackMegaGargomon EX4-037 SR Mega | Vaccine | Machine [End of Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] Until the end of your opponent's turn, 2 of your green and/or black Digimon gain <Blocker> and <Reboot>. [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When another Digimon becomes suspended, you may unsuspend this Digimon.
Lv.6 BlackMegaGargomon EX4-037 SR Mega | Vaccine | Machine Digivolve: 4 from Lv.5 w/[Rapidmon] in name or 2-color w/green [End of Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] Until the end of your opponent's turn, 2 of your green and/or black Digimon gain <Blocker> and <Reboot>. [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When another Digimon becomes suspended, you may unsuspend this Digimon.
Lv.6 BlackMegaGargomon EX4-037 SR Mega | Vaccine | Machine [Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[Rapidmon] in name or Lv.5 2-color w/green: Cost 4 [End of Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] Until the end of your opponent's turn, 2 of your green and/or black Digimon gain <Blocker> and <Reboot>. [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When another Digimon becomes suspended, you may unsuspend this Digimon.
Lv.6 ブラックセントガルゴモン EX4-037 SR 究極体 | ワクチン種 | マシーン型 『名称に「ラピッドモン」を含むか緑を含む2色のLv.5』から4 【自分のターン終了時】[ターンに1回]次の相手のターン終了まで、緑か黒の自分のデジモン2体は≪ブロッカー≫と≪再起動≫を得る。 【お互いのターン】[ターンに1回]他のデジモンがレストしたとき、このデジモンをアクティブにできる。