Q1: One of my Digimon affected by this card was deleted. What happens to its digivolution cards?
Its digivolution cards don't return to play, and remain in the trash.
Q2: When a Digimon affected by this card comes back into play after being deleted, does it retain any effects that were on it prior to deletion?
It loses all effects.
Q3: When a Digimon affected by this card comes back into play after being deleted, can it attack that same turn?
No, it's considered to have just entered play, so it can't attack.
Back for Revenge! BT3-109 U [Main] 1 of your Digimon gains “[On Deletion] Play this card without paying its memory cost. Any [On Play] effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate“ for the turn.
Back for Revenge! BT3-109 U [Main] 1 of your Digimon gains "[On Deletion] Play this card without paying its memory cost. Any [On Play] effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate" for the turn.
Back for Revenge! BT3-109 U [Main] 1 of your Digimon gains "[On Deletion] Play this card without paying its memory cost. Any [On Play] effects on Digimon played with this effect don't activate" for the turn. ---
リターンマッチだ! BT3-109 U 【メイン】このターンの間、自分のデジモン1体は「【消滅時】このカードをコストを支払わずに登場させる。この効果で登場したデジモンの【登場時】効果は発揮しない。」の効果を得る。