Lv.6 Shoutmon DX BT21-027 R Mega | Data | Composite/Xros Heart/Blue Flare [Digivolve] [ZeigGreymon]: Cost 2/Lv.5 w/[Xros Heart] trait: Cost 3 This card is also treated as [Shoutmon] or [ZeigGreymon] for DigiXros. <Security A. +1> [On Play] [When Digivolving] Delete 1 of your opponent's lowest DP Digimon. [All Turns] When this Digimon would leave the battle area, you may place up to 4 [Xros Heart] or [Blue Flare] trait Digimon cards from its digivolution cards under 1 of your Tamers. DigiXros -3: [OmniShoutmon]×[ZeigGreymon]