Lv.5 OmniShoutmon BT21-021 U Ultimate | Data | Dragonkin/Xros Heart/Hero [Digivolve] [Shoutmon]: Cost 4/Lv.4 w/[Xros Heart]/[Hero] trait: Cost 3 This card is also treated as [Shoutmon] for DigiXros. [End of Attack] You may play 1 card with the [Xros Heart], [Blue Flare] or [Hero] trait from your hand with the play cost reduced by 5. If you did, delete this Digimon. [On Deletion] You may place 1 Digimon card with the [Xros Heart] or [Blue Flare] trait from your hand or trash under any of your Tamers. Then, <Save>. DigiXros -2: [Shoutmon] --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon with the [Xros Heart] trait gains <Rush>.