BT20-084 Sistermon Ciel (Awakened)
Sistermon Ciel (Awakened)
Lv. 4
Play: 5
1 from [Sistermon Ciel]
6000 DP
Trash All Turns When any of your Digimon are played, 1 of your Sistermon Ciels may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.
On Play When Digivolving 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers can't suspend until the end of their turn.
End of All Turns Place this Digimon's top stacked card as the top security card.
White Digimon

Q1: What is the Trash effect?

This effect can be triggered/activated while the card is in the trash. It cannot be triggered or activated outside of the trash.

Q2: When my "Sistamon Ciel" appears, in what order can I activate the Digimon's On Play effect and this card's Trash All Your Turns effect?

Since they are triggered simultaneously, the player can choose the order in which they are to be activated.

Q3: When my "Sistamon Ciel" appears, can I activate this card's Trash All Your Turns effect first, and then activate the When Digivolving effect of the "Sistamon Ciel" that played after that Digimon has digivolved into this card?

No, I cannot.

Official English Card
Lv.4 Sistermon Ciel (Awakened)      BT20-084  R
Champion | Data | Puppet

[Digivolve] [Sistermon Ciel]: Cost 1

[Trash] [All Turns] When any of your Digimon are played, 1 of your [Sistermon Ciel]s may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.
[On Play] [When Digivolving] 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers can't suspend until the end of their turn.
[End of All Turns] Place this Digimon's top stacked card as the top security card.
Official English (Asia) Card
Lv.4 Sistermon Ciel (Awakened)      BT20-084  R
Champion | Data | Puppet

[Digivolve] [Sistermon Ciel]: Cost 1

[Trash] [All Turns] When any of your Digimon are played, 1 of your [Sistermon Ciel]s may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.
[On Play] [When Digivolving] 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers can't suspend until the end of their turn.
[End of All Turns] Place this Digimon's top stacked card as the top security card.
Lv.4 Sistermon Ciel (Awakened)      BT20-084  R
Champion | Data | Puppet

[Digivolve] [Sistermon Ciel]: Cost 1

[Trash] [All Turns] When any of your Digimon are played, 1 of your [Sistermon Ciel]s may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.
[On Play] [When Digivolving] 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers can't suspend until the end of their turn.
[End of All Turns] Place this Digimon's top stacked card as the top security card.
Official Japanese Card
Lv.4 シスタモン シエル(覚醒)      BT20-084  R
成熟期 | データ種 | パペット型

「シスタモン シエル」:コスト1

[トラッシュ]【お互いのターン】自分のデジモンが登場したとき、自分の「シスタモン シエル」1体をこのカードにコストを支払わずに進化できる。