BT20-081 Fenriloogamon: Takemikazuchi
Fenriloogamon: TakemikazuchiAce
Lv. 7
Play: 9
16000 DP
Hand Counter Blast DNA Digivolve ([Fenriloogamon] + [Kazuchimon]).
On Play When Digivolving 2 of your opponent's Digimon get -10000 DP for the turn. Then, if a Tamer card is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, delete 1 of your opponent's 10000 DP or lower Digimon.
When Attacking By trashing your top security card, activate 1 of this Digimon's When Digivolving effects.
AceOverflow ⟪-5⟫
Purple/Yellow Digimon
Dark Animal
X Antibody

Q1: What do you mean by "cards with text?"

It refers to cards with the specified word or icon included in "name, trait, effect, inherited effect, <Overflow X>, jogress, digivolution requirements, burst digivolution". For example, a card with the text "Knightmon" refers to a card whose name is "Dark Knightmon" or whose effect says "Knightmon".

Q2: Can this card's On Play When Digivolving effect select one of my opponent's Digimon twice and make it -20,000 DP?

No, I cannot.

Q3: This card's On Play When Digivolving effect has reduced the Digimon's DP to 0. In this case, will the Digimon be deleted before the rest of this effect is processed?

No, they will not be deleted at that time. After all On Play and When Digivolving effects of this card are resolved, all Digimon with DP 0 at that time will be deleted at the same time.

Official English (Asia) Card
Lv.7 Fenriloogamon: Takemikazuchi ACE      BT20-081  SR
Mega | Virus | Dark Animal/X Antibody/SoC/SEEKERS

[DNA Digivolve] [Fenriloogamon] + yellow Lv.6 w/[Pulsemon] in text: Cost 0

[Hand] [Counter] <Blast DNA Digivolve ([Fenriloogamon] + [Kazuchimon])>.
[On Play] [When Digivolving] 2 of your opponent's Digimon get -10000 DP for the turn. Then, if a Tamer card is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, delete 1 of your opponent's 10000 DP or lower Digimon.
[When Attacking] By trashing your top security card, activate 1 of this Digimon's [When Digivolving] effects.

Inherited: <Overflow (-5)> (As this card moves from the field or under a card to an area other than those, lose 5 memory.)
Lv.7 Fenriloogamon: Takemikazuchi ACE     BT20-081  SR
Mega | Virus | Dark Animal/X Antibody/SoC

{{DNADigivolveCustom|0|{{EffectLinkNames|Fenriloogamon}} + {{Colour|Yellow}} Lv.6 w/{{EffectLinkSupports|Pulsemon|text = in text}}}}

[Hand] [Counter] <Blast DNA Digivolve ([Fenriloogamon] + [Kazuchimon])>.
[On Play] [When Digivolving] 2 of your opponent's Digimon get -10000 DP for the turn. Then, if a Tamer card is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, delete 1 of your opponent's 10000 DP or lower Digimon.
[When Attacking] By trashing your top security card, activate 1 of this Digimon's [When Digivolving] effects.

Inherited: <Overflow (-5)> (As this card moves from the battle area or under a card to another area, lose 5 memory.)
Official Japanese Card
Lv.7 フェンリルガモン:建御雷神ACE      BT20-081  SR
究極体 | ウィルス種 | 魔獣型/X抗体/SoC/シーカーズ



Inherited: ≪オーバーフロー《-5》≫(エリアかカードの下から、それ以外の場所に送られる場合、メモリー-5)