Lv.5 Phantomon BT20-072 U Ultimate | Virus | Ghost/LIBERATOR <Execute> (At the end of your turn, this Digimon may attack. At the end of that attack, delete this Digimon. Your opponent's unsuspended Digimon can also be attacked with this effect.) [On Deletion] You may play 1 level 4 or lower Digimon card with the [Ghost] trait from your trash without paying the cost. --- Inherited: [On Deletion] You may play 1 level 4 or lower Digimon card with the [Ghost] trait from your trash without paying the cost.
Lv.5 Phantomon BT20-072 U Ultimate | Virus | Ghost/LIBERATOR <Execute> (At the end of your turn, this Digimon may attack. At the end of that attack, delete this Digimon. Your opponent's unsuspended Digimon can also be attacked with this effect.) [On Deletion] You may play 1 level 4 or lower Digimon card with the [Ghost] trait from your trash without paying the cost. --- Inherited: [On Deletion] You may play 1 level 4 or lower Digimon card with the [Ghost] trait from your trash without paying the cost.
Lv.5 Phantomon BT20-072 U Ultimate | Virus | Ghost/LIBERATOR {{Execute}}. [On Deletion] You may play 1 level 4 or lower Digimon card with the [Ghost] trait from your trash without paying the cost. --- Inherited: [On Deletion] You may play 1 level 4 or lower Digimon card with the [Ghost] trait from your trash without paying the cost.
Lv.5 ファントモン BT20-072 U 完全体 | ウィルス種 | ゴースト型/リベレイター ≪エグゼキュート≫(自分のターン終了時、このデジモンでアタックできる。このアタック終了時、このデジモンは消滅する。この効果ではアクティブ状態の相手のデジモンにもアタックできる) 【消滅時】自分のトラッシュから、特徴に「ゴースト型」を持つLv.4以下のデジモンカード1枚をコストを支払わずに登場できる。 --- Inherited: 【消滅時】自分のトラッシュから、特徴に「ゴースト型」を持つLv.4以下のデジモンカード1枚をコストを支払わずに登場できる。