BT20-059 Gankoomon (X Antibody)
Gankoomon (X Antibody)
Lv. 6
Play: 13
2 from [Gankoomon]
13000 DP
When Digivolving De-Digivolve 2 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, if Gankoomon or X Antibody is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, until the end of your opponent's turn, none of your Digimon are affected by your opponent's Digimon's effects.
Opponent's Turn All of your Digimon with Sistermon, Huckmon or text = in their names in its name or the Royal Knight trait gain Reboot and Blocker.
Opponent's Turn While this Digimon is Jesmon GX all of your Digimon gain Reboot and Blocker.Inherited
Black Digimon
Holy Warrior
X Antibody
Royal Knight

Q1: What is the effect of "not taking effect?"

This effect is not affected by effects. For example, "Rest an opponent's Digimon." effect will not be rested, and "DP-3000 an opponent's Digimon." will not be minus DP.

Q2: Can a card with the "no effect" effect be selected for an effect?

Yes, you can choose.

Q3: Can a card with a "no effect" effect be given an effect?

Yes, it can be granted. The effect is not affected, but can be granted.

Q4: If a card with an effect is given an effect and later gets a "no effect" effect, what happens to the effect that is given?

From the point of no longer being affected by the effect, it is no longer affected by the effect being granted.

Q5: If a card with a "no effect" effect that is granted an effect later loses the "no effect" effect, what happens to the granted effect?

From the time it becomes subject to the effect, it is affected by the effect being granted.

Q6: I added a triggering effect such as When Attacking effect to a card with "No Effect" effect. If the card then satisfies the conditions for triggering that effect, does the effect trigger?

No, it does not trigger. If you give an effect that triggers to a Digimon that does not receive the effect, the effect will not be triggered.

Official English (Asia) Card
Lv.6 Gankoomon (X Antibody)      BT20-059  R
Mega | Data | Holy Warrior/X Antibody/Royal Knight

[Digivolve] [Gankoomon]: Cost 2

[When Digivolving] <De-Digivolve 2> 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, if [Gankoomon] or [X Antibody] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, until the end of your opponent's turn, none of your Digimon are affected by your opponent's Digimon's effects.
[Opponent's Turn] All of your Digimon with [Sistermon] or [Huckmon] in their names or the [Royal Knight] trait gain <Reboot> and <Blocker>.

Inherited: [Opponent's Turn] While this Digimon is [Jesmon GX], all of your Digimon gain <Reboot> and <Blocker>.
Lv.6 Gankoomon (X Antibody)      BT20-059  R
Mega | Data | Holy Warrior/X Antibody/Royal Knight

[Digivolve] [Gankoomon]: Cost 2

[When Digivolving] <De-Digivolve 2> 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, if [Gankoomon] or [X Antibody] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, until the end of your opponent's turn, none of your Digimon are affected by your opponent's Digimon's effects.
[Opponent's Turn] All of your Digimon with [Sistermon], [Huckmon] or [text = in their names] in its name or the [Royal Knight] trait gain <Reboot> and <Blocker>.

Inherited: [Opponent's Turn] While this Digimon is [Jesmon GX] all of your Digimon gain <Reboot> and <Blocker>.
Official Japanese Card
Lv.6 ガンクゥモンX抗体      BT20-059  R
究極体 | データ種 | 聖騎士型/X抗体/ロイヤルナイツ



Inherited: 【相手のターン】このデジモンが「ジエスモンGX」の間、自分のデジモン全ては≪再起動≫と≪ブロッカー≫を得る。