Q1: The situation is that only the top card of the opponent's security is face-up. If you activate the When Digivolving effect of this card, which card of the security should you turn face up?
Turn the second card from the top of the security face up.
Q2: What happens to a card placed face up in security by an effect?
It becomes ostensible security and remains public. The rules are the same as for normal security, except that it is ostensible.
Q3: What happens when checking a security placed face down?
Checked as published. The rules are the same as for normal checks, except as published.
Q4: If a security placed face up is checked, does the card's Security effect trigger?
Yes, triggered.
Q5: What happens when shuffling a security that contains a security placed face up?
The security that was face up is turned back face down and then shuffled. After shuffling, the cards are not turned face up.
Q6: If the Security effect, the "when security is checked" effect, and the "when security is reduced" effect are triggered simultaneously, in which order do they activate?
Security] effects are activated first. Security] effects, if checked, will be activated immediately without pending activation. Other triggered effects are activated from the turn player's side.
Q7: I attacked with this card and checked the security face-up. At this time, if I activate this card's Your Turn effect and place one of the stacked cards from the top under the security, does it trigger the End of Attack effect of the Digimon that was under this card?
Yes, triggered.
Lv.5 Oblivimon BT20-052 U Ultimate | Virus | Cyborg/LIBERATOR [Digivolve] Lv.4 w/[Cyborg]/[Machine] trait: Cost 3 {Security} [End of Opponent's Turn] Play this card without paying the cost. [When Digivolving] Flip your opponent's top face-down security card face up. [Your Turn] When your Digimon check face-up security cards, you may place this Digimon's top stacked card face up as the bottom security card. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon's attack target can't change.
Lv.5 Oblivimon BT20-052 U Ultimate | Virus | Cyborg/LIBERATOR [Digivolve] Lv.4 w/[Cyborg]/[Machine] trait: Cost 3 {Security} [End of Opponent's Turn] Play this card without paying the cost. [When Digivolving] Flip your opponent's top face-down security card face up. [Your Turn] When your Digimon check face-up security cards, you may place this Digimon's top stacked card face up as the bottom security card. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon's attack target can't change.
Lv.5 Oblivimon BT20-052 U Ultimate | Virus | Cyborg/LIBERATOR {{DigivolveFromTraitOr|3|4|Cyborg|Machine}} (Security) [End of Opponent's Turn] Play this card without paying the cost. [When Digivolving] Flip your opponent's top face-down security card face-up. [Your Turn] When your Digimon checks a face-up security card, you may place the top card of this Digimon face-up at the bottom of the security stack. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon's attack target can't be switched.
Lv.5 オブリビモン BT20-052 U 完全体 | ウィルス種 | サイボーグ型/リベレイター 特徴に「サイボーグ型」/「マシーン型」を持つLv.4:コスト3 [セキュリティ]【相手のターン終了時】このカードをコストを支払わずに登場させる。 【進化時】相手の裏向きのセキュリティを上から1枚表向きにする。 【自分のターン】自分のデジモンが表向きのセキュリティをチェックしたとき、このデジモンに重ねられているカードを上から1枚セキュリティの下に表向きで置ける。 --- Inherited: 【自分のターン】このデジモンのアタックの対象は変更されない。