Q1: The situation is that only the top card of the opponent's security is face-up. If you activate the When Digivolving effect of this card, which card of the security should you turn face up?
Turn the second card from the top of the security face up.
Q2: What happens to a card placed face up in security by an effect?
It becomes ostensible security and remains public. The rules are the same as for normal security, except that it is ostensible.
Q3: What happens when checking a security placed face down?
Checked as published. The rules are the same as for normal checks, except as published.
Q4: If a security placed face up is checked, does the card's Security effect trigger?
Yes, triggered.
Q5: What happens when shuffling a security that contains a security placed face up?
The security that was face up is turned back face down and then shuffled. After shuffling, the cards are not turned face up.
Lv.4 HoverEspimon BT20-050 C Champion | Virus | Cyborg/LIBERATOR [Digivolve] Lv.3 w/[Cyborg]/[Machine] trait: Cost 2 [When Digivolving] Flip your opponent's top face-down security card face up. [End of Attack] [Once Per Turn] <Draw 1>. --- Inherited: [All Turns] This Digimon gets +1000 DP.
Lv.4 HoverEspimon BT20-050 C Champion | Virus | Cyborg/LIBERATOR {{DigivolveFromTraitOr|2|3|Cyborg|Machine}} [When Digivolving] Flip your opponent's top face-down security card face-up. [End of Attack] [Once Per Turn] <Draw 1>. --- Inherited: [All Turns] This Digimon gets +1000 DP.
Lv.4 ホバーエスピモン BT20-050 C 成熟期 | ウィルス種 | サイボーグ型/リベレイター 特徴に「サイボーグ型」/「マシーン型」を持つLv.3:コスト2 【進化時】相手の裏向きのセキュリティを上から1枚表向きにする。 【アタック終了時】[ターンに1回]≪1ドロー≫ --- Inherited: 【お互いのターン】このデジモンをDP+1000。