BT20-006 DemiMeramon
Lv. 2
On Deletion You may return 1 Digimon card with the Ghost trait from your trash to the hand.Inherited
Purple Digi-Egg

Q1: When this card and "BT20-068 BAKEMON" with "BT20-063 GOSMON" as its digivolved source were deleted, the digivolved source effect of this card and the digivolved source effect of "BT20-063 GOSMON" triggered simultaneously. In this case, if I activate this card's inherited effect first and return "BT20-068 BAKEMON" from my trash to my hand, can I activate the digivolved effect of "BT20-063 Gosmon" after that?

No, it cannot be activated. When a Digimon is deleted and the On Deletion effect of the Digivolved card is triggered, it is the Digimon card that had the Digivolved card that is waiting to be activated. If a Digimon card that is pending activation leaves the area before it is activated, its effect cannot be activated. In this situation, if "BT20-068 BAKEMON" is deleted and the On Deletion effect of its digivolved source is triggered, it is the "BT20-068 BAKEMON" card that is waiting to activate its effect. If the deleted "BT20-068 Bakmon" card leaves the trash, the When Deletion effect of the digivolved effect that was pending activation cannot be activated.

Q2: When this card and "BT20-068 BAKEMON" with "BT20-063 GOSMON" as its digivolved source were deleted, the digivolved source effect of this card and the digivolved source effect of "BT20-063 GOSMON" triggered simultaneously. In this case, if I activate this card's inherited effect first and return "BT20-063 Gosmon" from my trash to my hand, can I activate the digivolved effect of "BT20-063 Gosmon" after that?

Yes, it activates. When a Digimon is deleted and the On Deletion effect of its Digivolved source is triggered, it is the Digimon card that had the Digivolved source that is waiting to be activated. If you return the BT20-063 Gosmon card to your hand, you can still activate the digivolution card BT20-063 Gosmon's digivolution effect.

Official English (Asia) Card
Lv.2 DemiMeramon      BT20-006  C
In-Training | Flame/LIBERATOR


Inherited: [On Deletion] You may return 1 Digimon card with the [Ghost] trait from your trash to the hand.
Lv.2 DemiMeramon      BT20-006  C
In-Training | Flame/LIBERATOR

Inherited: [On Deletion] You may return 1 Digimon card with the [Ghost] trait from your trash to the hand.
Official Japanese Card
Lv.2 プチメラモン      BT20-006  C
幼年期 | 火炎型/リベレイター


Inherited: 【消滅時】自分のトラッシュから、特徴に「ゴースト型」を持つデジモンカード1枚を手札に戻せる。