Q1: If the Security effect, the "when security is checked" effect, and the "when security is reduced" effect are triggered simultaneously, in which order do they activate?
Security] effects are activated first. Security] effects, if checked, will be activated immediately without pending activation. Other triggered effects are activated from the turn player's side.
Lv.2 Kapurimon BT20-005 C In-Training | Lesser/LIBERATOR - --- Inherited: [Your Turn] When this Digimon checks face-up security cards, it gains <Jamming> for the turn.
Lv.2 Kapurimon BT20-005 C In-Training | Lesser/LIBERATOR --- Inherited: [Your Turn] When this Digimon checks a face-up security card, this Digimon gains <Jamming> for the turn.
Lv.2 カプリモン BT20-005 C 幼年期 | レッサー型/リベレイター - --- Inherited: 【自分のターン】このデジモンが表向きのセキュリティをチェックしたとき、ターン終了まで、このデジモンは≪ジャミング≫を得る。