BT19-100 D-Reaper Zone
D-Reaper Zone
Use: 3
Security Opponent's Turn When an opponent's Digimon attacks, if all of your Digimon and Tamers have the D-Reaper trait, for each of 1 of your Mother D-Reaper's digivolution cards, the attacking Digimon get -1000 DP for the turn.
Main If you have no face-up security cards, by trashing your top security card, place this card face up as your top security card.
Security You may play 1 D-Reaper trait card with a play cost equal to or lower than the number of digivolution cards of 1 of your Mother D-Reaper's from your hand without paying the cost.
Security You may play 1 D-Reaper trait card with a play cost equal to or lower than the number of digivolution cards of 1 of your Mother D-Reaper's from your hand without paying the cost.Inherited
White Option

Q1: Can this card's Security effect be activated even if there is a Digimon with "De-Reaper" in its trait and a Tamer without "De-Reaper" in its trait in the Battle Area?

No, you cannot. All of your Digimon and tamers in the Battle Area must have "De Reaper" as a trait to activate it.

Q2: Can this card's Security effect be activated even if all my Digimon and Tamer in Battle Area have "De-Reaper" in their traits and my Digimon in Breeding Area do not have "De-Reaper" in their traits?

Yes, it can be activated. Text that does not describe which location can specify or refer to a Battle Area and affect the Battle Area. In the case of this card's Security effect, it can be activated if all of your Digimon and Tamer in the Battle Area have "De Reaper" as a trait.

Q3: Can this card's Security effect be activated even if my Digimon and Tamer are not in the Battle Area and my Digimon with the trait "De-Reaper" is in the Breeding Area?

No, it cannot be activated. Text that does not describe which location can specify or reference a Battle Area and affects the Battle Area. In the case of this card's Security effect, it cannot be activated if there is no one of your Digimon or Tamer with "De-Reaper" in its trait in the Battle Area.

Q4: Can I use this card in my hand when I have my own face-up security?

Yes, it can be used. However, it cannot activate this effect because it does not meet the condition of the Main effect of this card, "if you have no face-up security of your own".

Q5: What happens to a card placed face up in security by an effect?

It becomes ostensible security and remains public. The rules are the same as for normal security, except that it is ostensible.

Q6: Can I choose not to activate the Security effect of this card when my opponent's Digimon attacks?

No, it cannot. It must be activated when the opponent's Digimon attacks.

Q7: What happens when checking a security placed face down?

Checked as published. The rules are the same as for normal checks, except as published.

Q8: If a security placed face up is checked, does the card's Security effect trigger?

Yes, triggered.

Q9: What happens when shuffling a security that contains a security placed face up?

The security that was face up is turned back face down and then shuffled. After shuffling, the cards are not turned face up.

Official English (Asia) Card
D-Reaper Zone      BT19-100  C

[Security] [Opponent's Turn] When one of your opponent's Digimon attacks, if all of your Digimon and Tamers have the [D-Reaper] trait, for each digivolution card of 1 of your [Mother D-Reaper]s, the attacking Digimon gets -1000 DP for the turn.
[Main] If you have no face-up security cards, by trashing your top security card, place this card face up as your top security card.

[Security] From your hand and without paying the cost, you may play 1 [D-Reaper] trait card with as high or lower a play cost as the number of 1 of your [Mother D-Reaper]s' digivolution cards.
D-Reaper Zone      BT19-100  C
D-Reaper | D-Reaper

(Security) [Opponent's Turn] When an opponent's Digimon attacks, if all of your Digimon and Tamers have the [D-Reaper] trait, for each of 1 of your [Mother D-Reaper]'s digivolution cards, the attacking Digimon get -1000 DP for the turn.
[Main] If you have no face-up security cards, by trashing your top security card, place this card face up as your top security card.
[Security] You may play 1 [D-Reaper] trait card with a play cost equal to or lower than the number of digivolution cards of 1 of your [Mother D-Reaper]'s from your hand without paying the cost.

[Security] You may play 1 [D-Reaper] trait card with a play cost equal to or lower than the number of digivolution cards of 1 of your [Mother D-Reaper]'s from your hand without paying the cost.
Official Japanese Card
デ• リーパー=ゾーン      BT19-100  C
デ• リーパー

[セキュリティ]【相手のターン】相手のデジモンがアタックしたとき、自分のデジモンとテイマー全てが特徴に「デ• リーパー」を持つなら、ターン終了まで、アタックしたデジモンを自分の「マザー デ• リーパー」1体の進化元1枚ごとに、DP-1000。

【セキュリティ】自分の手札から、特徴に「デ• リーパー」を持ち、登場コストが自分の「マザー デ• リーパー」1体の進化元の枚数以下のカード1枚をコストを支払わずに登場できる。