King Device BT19-098 U Device While you don't have [King Device] in the battle area, you may ignore this card's color requirements. When this card is trashed from the battle area, place 1 [Device] trait Option card with a use cost of 3 from your trash in the battle area. [Main] Place 1 [Device] trait Option card with a use cost of 3 from your trash in the battle area. Then, place this card in the battle area. --- [Security] You may place 1 Option card with the [Device] trait from your hand in the battle area. Then, add this card to the hand.
King Device BT19-098 U Device While you don't have [King Device] in the battle area, you may ignore this card's color requirements. When this card is trashed from the battle area, place 1 [Device] trait Option card with a use cost of 3 from your trash in the battle area. [Main] Place 1 [Device] trait Option card with a use cost of 3 from your trash in the battle area. Then, place this card in the battle area. --- [Security] You may place 1 Option card with the [Device] trait from your hand in the battle area. Then, add this card to the hand.
King Device BT19-098 U Device While you don't have [King Device], you may ignore this card's color requirements. When this card is trashed from the battle area, place 1 [Device] trait Option card with a use cost of 3 or less from your trash in the battle area. [Main] Place 1 [Device] trait Option card with a use cost of 3 or less from your trash in the battle area. Then, place this card in the battle area. ---
キング• デヴァイス BT19-098 U デヴァイス 自分の「キング• デヴァイス」がバトルエリアにない間、このカードは色条件を無視できる。 このカードがバトルエリアから破棄されたとき、自分のトラッシュから、特徴に「デヴァイス」を持つ使用コスト3のオプションカード1枚をバトルエリアに置く。 【メイン】自分のトラッシュから、特徴に「デヴァイス」を持つ使用コスト3のオプションカード1枚をバトルエリアに置く。その後、このカードをバトルエリアに置く。 --- 【セキュリティ】自分の手札から、特徴に「デヴァイス」を持つオプションカード1枚をバトルエリアに置ける。その後、このカードを手札に加える。