BT19-094 Seventh Divine Cruz
Seventh Divine Cruz
Use: 7
Trash Your Turn When any of your Digimon digivolve into Lucemon (X Antibody), by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, your opponent may trash their top security card. If this effect didn't trash, Recovery +1 ⟪Deck⟫.
Main Delete your opponent's Digimon until they have as many as the number of your security cards. If this effect deleted, Recovery +1 ⟪Deck⟫.
Security You may play 1 Lucemon from your trash without paying the cost.
Yellow/Purple Option
Seven Great Demon Lords

Q1: If my opponent doesn't trash a security card for this card's Your Turn effect, which player performs <Recovery +1 (Deck)>?

You perform <Recovery +1 (Deck)>.

Q2: I have 0 security cards. If I activate this card's Main effect, do I delete my opponent's Digimon until they have 0 Digimon?

Yes, you delete their Digimon until they have 0 left.

Q3: I tried to delete my opponent's EX6-059 Barbamon using this card's Main effect. In response, my opponent uses Scapegoat

No, it isn't met. The "if this effect deleted" condition is only met when a Digimon is deleted by this card's effect. In this case, EX6-059 Barbamon wasn't deleted by this card's effect, therefore the "if this effect deleted" condition isn't met.

Official English Card
Seventh Divine Cruz      BT19-094  R
Seven Great Demon Lords

[Trash] [Your Turn] When any of your Digimon digivolve into [Lucemon (X Antibody)], by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, your opponent may trash their top security card. If this effect didn't trash, <Recovery +1 ≪Deck≫>.
[Main] Delete your opponent's Digimon until they have as many as you have security cards. If this effect deleted, <Recovery +1 ≪Deck≫>.

[Security] You may play 1 [Lucemon] from your trash without paying the cost.
Official English (Asia) Card
Seventh Divine Cruz      BT19-094  R
Seven Great Demon Lords

[Trash] [Your Turn] When any of your Digimon digivolve into [Lucemon (X Antibody)], by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, your opponent may trash their top security card. If this effect didn't trash, <Recovery +1 ≪Deck≫>.
[Main] Delete your opponent's Digimon until they have as many as you have security cards. If this effect deleted, <Recovery +1 ≪Deck≫>.

[Security] You may play 1 [Lucemon] from your trash without paying the cost.
Seventh Divine Cruz      BT19-094  R
Seven Great Demon Lords

[Trash] [Your Turn] When any of your Digimon digivolve into [Lucemon (X Antibody)], by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, your opponent may trash their top security card. If this effect didn't trash, <Recovery +1 (Deck)>.
[Main] Delete your opponent's Digimon until they have as many as the number of your security cards. If this effect deleted, <Recovery +1 (Deck)>.

Official Japanese Card
セブンス• ディバイン• クルス      BT19-094  R

