Violet Inboots BT18-093 U LIBERATOR [Start of Your Turn] If you have 2 or less memory, set it to 3. [Start of Your Main Phase] By trashing 1 Option card or 1 card with the [Ghost] or [Three Musketeers] trait in your hand, <Draw 1>. --- [Security] Play this card without paying the cost.
Violet Inboots BT18-093 U LIBERATOR [Start of Your Turn] If you have 2 or less memory, set it to 3. [Start of Your Main Phase] By trashing 1 Option card or 1 card with the [Ghost] or [Three Musketeers] trait in your hand, <Draw 1>. --- [Security] Play this card without paying the cost.
Violet Inboots BT18-093 U LIBERATOR [Start of Your Turn] If you have 2 or less memory, set it to 3. [Start of Your Main Phase] By trashing 1 Option card or 1 card with the [Ghost] or [Three Musketeers] trait in your hand, <Draw 1>. ---
ヴァイオレット• インブーツ BT18-093 U リベレイター 【自分のターン開始時】メモリーが2以下なら、3にする。 【自分のメインフェイズ開始時】自分の手札から、オプションカードか特徴に「ゴースト型」/「三銃士」を持つカード1枚を破棄することで、≪1ドロー≫。 --- 【セキュリティ】このカードをコストを支払わずに登場させる。