BT18-078 Duskmon
Lv. 4
Play: 6
2 from [Koichi Kimura] or 1 from [Velgrmon]
6000 DP
On Play When Digivolving Until the end of your opponent's turn, change 1 of their Digimon or Tamers into a color other than {{Colour|white}}.
When Attacking 1 of your Digimon or Tamers may digivolve into a level 4 card with the Hybrid trait in the trash with the digivolution cost reduced by 1.
On Deletion You may play 1 Tamer card with a play cost of 4 or less from your trash without paying the cost.Inherited
Purple Digimon

Q1: Does this card's digivolution requirement where it can digivolve from a Tamer mean that the Tamer that will become a digivolution card is treated as a Digimon when it digivolves?

No, it digivolves from the Tamer as-is.

Q2: When a Tamer would digivolve using this card's digivolution requirement, is it considered a Digimon that would digivolve?

No, it isn't considered a Digimon that would digivolve. When a Tamer would digivolve using this card's digivolution requirement, "when a Digimon would digivolve" effects don't trigger.

Q3: When a Tamer digivolves using this card's digivolution requirement, is it considered a Digimon that digivolves?

No, it isn't considered a Digimon that digivolves. When a Tamer digivolves using this card's digivolution requirement, "when a Digimon digivolves" effects don't trigger.

Q4: What does the "change the original color" effect do, exactly?

Such effects change the original color shown on the target card to the predetermined color shown in the effect. For example, if a Digimon's original color is red and it's chosen as the target for a "On Play When Digivolving Until the end of your opponent's turn, change the original color of 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers to 1 non-white color" effect, then you choose a non-white color, and that Digimon's original color will become that color.

Q5: What happens if a Digimon that gained a color has its original color changed by the "change the original color" effect?

Its original color is changed, and it retains the gained color. Gained colors don't affect the original color.

Q6: What happens if a Digimon has its original color changed and is then affected by a "change the original color" effect again?

The original color is changed to the most recent color.

Q7: What original colors can this card's On Play When Digivolving effect change an opponent's Digimon or Tamer to?

The original color can be changed to any 1 color from among red, blue, yellow, green, black, or purple.

Q8: When digivolving with this card’s When Attacking effect, do the digivolution requirements have to be met?

Yes, the digivolution requirements have to be met.

Official English Card
Lv.4 Duskmon      BT18-078  SR
Hybrid | Variable | Wizard

[Digivolve] [Koichi Kimura]: Cost 2/[Velgrmon]: Cost 1

[On Play] [When Digivolving] Until the end of your opponent's turn, change the original color of 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers to 1 non-white color.
[When Attacking] 1 of your Digimon or Tamers may digivolve into a level 4 card with the [Hybrid] trait in the trash with the digivolution cost reduced by 1.

Inherited: [On Deletion] You may play 1 Tamer card with a play cost of 4 or less from your trash without paying the cost.
Official English (Asia) Card
Lv.4 Duskmon      BT18-078  SR
Hybrid | Variable | Wizard

[Digivolve] [Koichi Kimura]: Cost 2/[Velgrmon]: Cost 1

[On Play] [When Digivolving] Until the end of your opponent's turn, change the original color of 1 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers to 1 non-white color.
[When Attacking] 1 of your Digimon or Tamers may digivolve into a level 4 card with the [Hybrid] trait in the trash with the digivolution cost reduced by 1.

Inherited: [On Deletion] You may play 1 Tamer card with a play cost of 4 or less from your trash without paying the cost.
Lv.4 Duskmon      BT18-078  SR
Hybrid | Variable | Wizard

[Digivolve] [Koichi Kimura]: Cost 2/[Velgrmon]: Cost 1

[On Play] [When Digivolving] Until the end of your opponent's turn, change 1 of their Digimon or Tamers into a color other than {{Colour|white}}.
[When Attacking] 1 of your Digimon or Tamers may digivolve into a level 4 card with the [Hybrid] trait in the trash with the digivolution cost reduced by 1.

Inherited: [On Deletion] You may play 1 Tamer card with a play cost of 4 or less from your trash without paying the cost.
Official Japanese Card
Lv.4 ダスクモン      BT18-078  SR
ハイブリッド体 | ヴァリアブル種 | 魔人型

「木村輝一」:コスト2/「ベルグモン」: コスト1


Inherited: 【消滅時】自分のトラッシュから、登場コスト4以下のテイマーカード1枚をコストを支払わずに登場できる。