Q1: My Digimon that gained Security Attack +1 and has this card in its digivolution cards was deleted in battle with an opponent's Digimon when my Digimon had 10000 DP, then I performed a security check using Piercing. If the Security effect on the checked card reduces the DP of the Digimon with this card in its digivolution cards to 9000 or less, can I still perform the 2nd security check using this card's Piercing?
Yes, you can. Piercing activates as soon as your opponent's Digimon is deleted in battle, therefore you can still perform a security check even if the effect is lost after activation.
Takuya Kanbara BT17-079 R [Security] Play this card without paying the cost. [Start of Your Main Phase] If your opponent has a Digimon, gain 1 memory.
Takuya Kanbara BT17-079 R [Security] Play this card without paying the cost. [Start of Your Main Phase] If your opponent has a Digimon, gain 1 memory. --- [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP. While this Digimon has 10000 DP or more, it gains <Piercing>.
Takuya Kanbara BT17-079 R [Security] Play this card without paying the cost. {{StartYourMain|memory}}. --- [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP. While this Digimon has 10000 DP or more, it gains <Piercing>.
神原拓也 BT17-079 R 【セキュリティ】このカードをコストを支払わずに登場させる。 【自分のメインフェイズ開始時】相手のデジモンがいるなら、メモリー+1。 --- 【自分のターン】このデジモンをDP+2000。このデジモンのDPが10000以上の間、このデジモンは≪貫通≫を得る。