Lv.6 GroundLocomon BT17-058 C Mega | Data | Machine <Piercing> (When this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon, it performs any security checks it normally would.) [On Play] [When Digivolving] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Place 1 level 5 or lower black Digimon card among them as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card. Trash the rest. [End of Attack] [Once Per Turn] You may play 1 level 5 or lower Digimon card with the [Machine] trait from this Digimon's digivolution cards without paying the cost.
Lv.6 GroundLocomon BT17-058 C Mega | Data | Machine <Piercing> (When this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon, it performs any security checks it normally would.) [On Play] [When Digivolving] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Place 1 level 5 or lower black Digimon card among them as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card. Trash the rest. [End of Attack] [Once Per Turn] You may play 1 level 5 or lower Digimon card with the [Machine] trait from this Digimon's digivolution cards without paying the cost.
Lv.6 GroundLocomon BT17-058 C Mega | Data | Machine <Piercing> (When this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon, it performs any security checks it normally would.) [On Play] [When Digivolving] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Place 1 level 5 or lower {{Colour|black}} Digimon card among them as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card. Trash the rest. [End of Attack] [Once Per Turn] You may play 1 level 5 or lower Digimon card with the [Machine] trait from this Digimon's digivolution cards without paying the cost.
Lv.6 グランドロコモン BT17-058 C 究極体 | データ種 | マシーン型 ≪貫通≫ 【登場時】【進化時】自分のデッキの上から3枚オープンする。その中の黒のLv.5以下のデジモンカード1枚をこのデジモンの進化元の下に置く。残りは破棄する。 【アタック終了時】[ターンに1回]このデジモンの進化元から、特徴に「マシーン型」を持つLv.5以下のデジモンカード1枚をコストを支払わずに登場できる。