BT17-028 AncientGarurumon
Lv. 6
Play: 12
12000 DP
DigiXros 3 Lobomon×KendoGarurumon
On Play When Digivolving Return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest level to the hand.
Your Turn Once Per Turn When an effect adds cards to your or your opponent's hand, your opponent adds the top card of their security stack to the hand.
On Deletion You may return 1 Tamer card and 1 Hybrid trait Digimon card from your trash to the hand. Then, you may play 1 Tamer card from your hand without paying the cost.
Blue/Yellow Digimon
Ancient Animal
Ten Warriors

Q1: Does this card's Your Turn effect activate when the hand increases from the digivolution bonus upon digivolution by an effect?

No, it doesn’t activate.

Q2: If both my hand and my opponent's hand increase when we both draw 1 card from our decks using an effect such as BT16-020 GaoGamon's When Digivolving effect, does my opponent add 2 cards from the top of their security stack to the hand using this card's Your Turn effect?

No, they don’t. Although cards are added to both players' hands, they are added at the same timing, therefore your opponent only adds 1 card from their security stack to the hand.

Q3: Can I use this card's On Deletion effect to play a Tamer card even if I don't return a card from the trash to the hand?

Yes, you can.

Official English Card
Lv.6 AncientGarurumon      BT17-028  SR
Mega | Data | Ancient Animal/Ten Warriors

[On Play] [When Digivolving] Return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest level to the hand.
[Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When an effect adds cards to your or your opponent's hand, your opponent adds the top card of their security stack to the hand.
[On Deletion] You may return 1 Tamer card and 1 [Hybrid] trait Digimon card from your trash to the hand. Then, you may play 1 Tamer card from your hand without paying the cost.
DigiXros -3: [Lobomon]×[KendoGarurumon] When you would play this card, you may place specified cards from your hand/battle area under it. Each placed card reduces the play cost.
Official English (Asia) Card
Lv.6 AncientGarurumon      BT17-028  SR
Mega | Data | Ancient Animal/Ten Warriors

[On Play] [When Digivolving] Return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest level to the hand.
[Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When an effect adds cards to your or your opponent's hand, your opponent adds the top card of their security stack to the hand.
[On Deletion] You may return 1 Tamer card and 1 [Hybrid] trait Digimon card from your trash to the hand. Then, you may play 1 Tamer card from your hand without paying the cost.
DigiXros -3: [Lobomon]×[KendoGarurumon] When you would play this card, you may place specified cards from your hand/battle area under it. Each placed card reduces the play cost.
Lv.6 AncientGarurumon      BT17-028  SR
Mega | Data | Ancient Animal/Ten Warriors

[On Play] [When Digivolving] Return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest level to the hand.
[Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When an effect adds cards to your or your opponent's hand, your opponent adds the top card of their security stack to the hand.
[On Deletion] You may return 1 Tamer card and 1 [Hybrid] trait Digimon card from your trash to the hand. Then, you may play 1 Tamer card from your hand without paying the cost.
DigiXros -3: [Lobomon]×[KendoGarurumon]
Official Japanese Card
Lv.6 エンシェントガルルモン      BT17-028  SR
究極体 | データ種 | 古代獣型/十闘士

「ヴォルフモン」×「ガルムモン」 登場するとき、手札/バトルエリアからこのカードの下に置ける。1枚ごとに登場コストをマイナスする