Q1: The Digimon played using this card's effect digivolved. Is that Digimon returned to the hand at the end of my opponent's turn?
Yes, it's returned. In such cases, only the top card is returned to the hand. All digivolution cards are trashed.
Q2: If I use this card's effect to play a Digimon, then it's sent to the trash, do I return that Digimon card from my trash to the hand at the end of my opponent's turn?
No, you don't.
Lv.5 Cerberusmon: Werewolf Mode BT17-025 U Ultimate | Vaccine | Wizard [Digivolve] [Cerberusmon]: Cost 1 [When Digivolving] You may play 1 level 3 blue or purple Digimon card from your trash or from one of your Digimon's digivolution cards without paying the cost. At the next end of your opponent's turn, return it to the hand. (Rule) Trait: Has [Dark Animal] type. --- Inherited: [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When an effect plays one of your Digimon, return 1 of your opponent's level 3 Digimon to the hand.
Lv.5 Cerberusmon: Werewolf Mode BT17-025 U Ultimate | Vaccine | Wizard [Digivolve] [Cerberusmon]: Cost 1 [When Digivolving] You may play 1 level 3 blue or purple Digimon card from your trash or from one of your Digimon's digivolution cards without paying the cost. At the next end of your opponent's turn, return it to the hand. (Rule) Trait: Has [Dark Animal] type. --- Inherited: [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When an effect plays one of your Digimon, return 1 of your opponent's level 3 Digimon to the hand.
Lv.5 Cerberusmon: Werewolf Mode BT17-025 U Ultimate | Vaccine | Wizard [Digivolve] [Cerberusmon]: Cost 1 [When Digivolving] You may play 1 level 3 {{Colour|blue}} or {{Colour|purple}} Digimon card from your trash or from one of your Digimon's digivolution cards without paying the cost. At the next end of your opponent's turn, return it to the hand. --- Inherited: [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When an effect plays one of your Digimon, return 1 of your opponent's level 3 Digimon to the hand.
Lv.5 ケルベロモン:人狼モード BT17-025 U 完全体 | ワクチン種 | 魔人型 「ケルベロモン」:コスト1 【進化時】自分のトラッシュか自分のデジモンの進化元から、青/紫のLv.3のデジモンカード1枚をコストを支払わずに登場できる。次の相手のターン終了時、そのデジモンを手札に戻す。 〈ルール〉特徴:タイプ「魔獣型」を持つ。 --- Inherited: 【お互いのターン】[ターンに1回]効果で自分のデジモンが登場したとき、Lv.3の相手のデジモン1体を手札に戻す。