Q1: Does this card's "Koji Minamoto: Cost 2" digivolution requirement mean that Koji Minamoto is treated as a Digimon when it digivolves?
No, Koji Minamoto digivolves as a Tamer.
Q2: Does this card's "Koji Minamoto: Cost 2" digivolution requirement to digivolve, do "when a Digimon digivolves" effects trigger?
No, they don’t trigger. "When a Digimon digivolves" effects don't trigger when a Tamer digivolves.
Q3: Does this card's "Koji Minamoto: Cost 2" digivolution requirement to digivolve, do "when a Digimon would digivolve" effects trigger?
No, they don’t trigger. "When a Digimon digivolves" effects don't trigger when a Tamer digivolves.
Q4: My opponent activates EX3-053 Metallicdramon's On Play effect. Can I digivolve an unsuspended Koji Minamoto using this card's "Koji Minamoto: Cost 2" digivolution requirement in the next turn?
Yes, you can. Because you're digivolving from a Tamer, it isn't considered an unsuspended Digimon.
Q5: Can I activate P-104 Mental Training's Delay effect and digivolve using this card's "Takuya Kanbara: Cost 2" digivolution requirement in the next turn?
No, you can't. P-104 Mental Training's Delay effect digivolves 1 Digimon. It doesn't digivolve Tamers.
Q6: If I use this Digimon's When Digivolving effect to digivolve into AncientGarurumon, then it digivolves or is affected by De-Digivolve, what happens to the "delete this Digimon at the end of this turn" effect?
Digimon carry over effects after digivolving or de-digivolving, therefore it's deleted at the end of the turn.
Q7: This Digimon has a Tamer card in its digivolution cards, and I used its When Digivolving effect to digivolve into AncientGarurumon, then it was affected by a De-Digivolve effect and became a Tamer. Does the "delete this Digimon at the end of this turn" effect delete this Tamer at such times?
No, it isn't deleted because it's no longer considered a Digimon.
Q8: I used BT3-109 Back for Revenge! on this Digimon, then I used this Digimon's When Digivolving effect to digivolve into AncientGarurumon. After this Digimon is deleted at the end of this turn, does BT3-109 Back for Revenge!'s effect play this card or AncientGarurumon into the battle area?
Digimon carry over effects after digivolving, therefore it plays AncientGarurumon.
Q9: I have a situation where I have my "BT17-023 KendoGarurumon" with "BT18-088 Takuya Kanbara & Koji Minamoto" as its digivolution card. At the End of Turn, I attacked with the When Attacking effect of "BT18-088 Takuya Kanbara & Koji Minamoto" and "BT17-023 Galummon" evolved into this card with the When Attacking effect of "BT17-023 Galummon". At this time, if this card's When Digivolving effect evolved into "Ancient Garurumon", will that "Ancient Garurumon" be deleted by this card's effect, although the timing of the end of turn has already passed?
No, it is not deleted. Effects that are processed when a specific timing is reached are processed as triggered when the timing is reached. If the Digivolved by this card's effect at the end of the turn, the "Delete this Digimon at the end of this turn" of this card is not processed because the timing to be at the end of the turn has passed.
Lv.4 Lobomon BT17-022 C Hybrid | Variable | Warrior [Digivolve] [Koji Minamoto]: Cost 2/[KendoGarurumon]: Cost 1 This card may digivolve from the hand onto one of your yellow Tamers as if that card is a level 3 yellow Digimon. [When Digivolving] If [KendoGarurumon] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards or you have a black or purple Digimon or Tamer, this Digimon may digivolve into [AncientGarurumon] in the hand for a digivolution cost of 3, ignoring its digivolution requirements. If this effect digivolved, delete this Digimon at the end of this turn. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] If you have 7 or fewer cards in your hand, <Draw 1>.
Lv.4 Lobomon BT17-022 C Hybrid | Variable | Warrior [Digivolve] [Koji Minamoto]: Cost 2/[KendoGarurumon]: Cost 1 This card may digivolve from the hand onto one of your yellow Tamers as if that card is a level 3 yellow Digimon. [When Digivolving] If [KendoGarurumon] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards or you have a black or purple Digimon or Tamer, this Digimon may digivolve into [AncientGarurumon] in the hand for a digivolution cost of 3, ignoring its digivolution requirements. If this effect digivolved, delete this Digimon at the end of this turn. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] If you have 7 or fewer cards in your hand, <Draw 1>.
Lv.4 Lobomon BT17-022 C Hybrid | Variable | Warrior [Digivolve] [Koji Minamoto]: Cost 2/[KendoGarurumon]: Cost 1 You may digivolve this card from your hand onto one of your {{Colour|yellow}} Tamers as if that card is a level 3 {{Colour|yellow}} Digimon. [When Digivolving] If [KendoGarurumon] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards or you have a {{Colour|black}} or {{Colour|purple}} Digimon or Tamer, this Digimon may digivolve into [AncientGarurumon] in the hand for a digivolution cost of 3, ignoring its digivolution requirements. If digivolved by this effect, delete this Digimon at the end of the turn. --- Inherited: [When Attacking] If you have 7 or fewer cards in your hand, <Draw 1>.
Lv.4 ヴォルフモン BT17-022 C ハイブリッド体 | ヴァリアブル種 | 戦士型 「源輝二」:コスト2/「ガルムモン」:コスト1 手札のこのカードは、黄の自分のテイマーを黄のLv.3のデジモンとして扱い進化できる。 【進化時】このデジモンの進化元に「ガルムモン」があるか、黒/紫の自分のデジモン/テイマーがいるなら、このデジモンを手札の「エンシェントガルルモン」に進化条件を無視して進化コスト3で進化できる。この効果で進化したなら、このターン終了時、このデジモンを消滅させる。 --- Inherited: 【アタック時】自分の手札が7枚以下なら、≪1ドロー≫。