Q1: While I have a Tamer with {{EffectLinkArchetype|Tai Kamiya}} and my opponent has a Digimon with 10000 DP or more, can I use an effect that digivolves my Digimon to digivolve my Agumon in the battle area into this card in my hand?
Yes, you can.
Lv.6 WarGreymon BT14-101 SEC Mega | Vaccine | Dragonkin [Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[Greymon] in name: Cost 4 While you have a Tamer with [Tai Kamiya] in its name and your opponent has a Digimon with 10000 DP or more, one of your [Agumon] may digivolve into this card in your hand for a digivolution cost of 4, ignoring digivolution requirements. [When Digivolving] This Digimon gains <Raid> for the turn. Then, it may attack. [When Attacking] If you have a Tamer, this Digimon gains <Security A. +1> and <Piercing> for the turn.
Lv.6 WarGreymon BT14-101 SEC Mega | Vaccine | Dragonkin [Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[Greymon] in name: Cost 4 While you have a Tamer with [Tai Kamiya] in its name and your opponent has a Digimon with 10000 DP or more, one of your [Agumon] may digivolve into this card in your hand for a digivolution cost of 4, ignoring digivolution requirements. [When Digivolving] This Digimon gains <Raid> for the turn. Then, it may attack. [When Attacking] If you have a Tamer, this Digimon gains <Security A. +1> and <Piercing> for the turn.
Lv.6 WarGreymon BT14-101 SEC Mega | Vaccine | Dragonkin [Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[Greymon] in name: Cost 4 While you have a Tamer with [Tai Kamiya] in its name and your opponent has a Digimon with 10000 DP or more, 1 of your [Agumon] may digivolve into this card in your hand for a cost of 4, ignoring its digivolution requirements. [When Digivolving] This Digimon gains {{Raid|ain}} for the turn. Then, it may attack. [When Attacking] If you have a Tamer, this Digimon gains <Security A. +1> and <Piercing>, for the turn.
Lv.6 ウォーグレイモン BT14-101 SEC 究極体 | ワクチン種 | 竜人型 名称に「グレイモン」を含むLv.5:コスト4 名称に「八神太一」を含む自分のテイマーとDP10000以上の相手のデジモンがいる間、自分の「アグモン」は手札のこのカードに進化条件を無視して進化コスト4で進化できる。 【進化時】ターン終了まで、このデジモンは≪突進≫を得る。その後、このデジモンでアタックできる。 【アタック時】自分のテイマーがいるなら、ターン終了まで、このデジモンは≪Sアタック+1≫と≪貫通≫を得る。